1. Registering for classes
  2. Yearly schedule
  3. Grading criteria
  4. Additional information

1. Registering for classes

Registration is handled via USOS system. If you are a Warsaw University student, in order to register for a class click the button below, select a language and a group and then click the shopping basket icon on the left side. You need to be logged into USOS for the registration process to work.

If you are not a Warsaw University student but would like to register for classes, please contact us directly by phone at 22 55 20 937 or by email at lektoraty.sjw@uw.edu.pl


Our courses English – summer semester 24/25: clic!

To log into USOS system prior to course registration, click the log in button in the top right corner of the registration page.

To unregister, click the shopping basket button to the left of the course description again.

Summer semester course registration schedule for 2024/25:
1st turn starting 2025-02-03 21:00:00 ending 2025-02-22 23:59:00
2nd turn starting 2025-02-23 21:00:00 ending 2025-02-27 23:59:00

All classes start on the 17th of February, 2025.

Warsaw University students who no longer have tokens are still welcome to register to the course for a price of  1178,40 PLN per semester.

The full payment should be made within the first two weeks from the start of the course. Students who would like to unregister should inform us about it within the same period at at lektoraty.sjw@uw.edu.pl.

2. Yearly schedule

All classes are in line with the university schedule.

CALENDAR and the calendar of the Oriental Studies section.

Courses are conducted on a yearly schedule (with the exception of e-learning courses). Students who registered for a course in the winter semester will be automatically registered for the same course in the summer semester regardless of their token status. Students who have compelling reasons to discontinue in the summer semester will be able to unregister until:

3. Grading criteria

Basic graded components of the classes include:

– Active participation in classes – 25% of the final grade;

– test results and homework – 25% of the final grade;

– final exam – 50% of the final grade.

In order to pass a semester it is required to achieve a positive grade in all the above components.

Grading scales:

99 – 100% – 5+ (A+)

93 – 98% – 5 (A)

87 – 92% – 4+ (B+)

77 – 86% – 4 (B)

71 – 76% – 3+ (C+)

60 – 70% – 3 (C)

  1. Passing a course consisting of 60 learning hours is understood as achieving the expected results of the course and awards the student with 2 ECTS.
  2. Detailed grading rules and criteria are course specific and explained by the lecturer on the first day.
  3. Student is allowed to miss 3 classes in a semester for each 60 learning hours (30 x 2 hours) course, or 2 classes for each 30 learning hours course or e-learning and half e-learning course. Missed classes need to be completed according to the criteria specified by the lecturer on the first day.
  4. Final grade and ECTS points will be entered into USOS system.
  5. The only circumstances in which a student fails the course are unsatisfactory learning results proven by test grades, homework results etc.

3. Additional information

  1. According to the current regulations, each first or second grade student is required to pass a foreign language exam at at least B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Students can receive credit by either taking a certification exam at the Warsaw University, or by providing a certificate honoured by the university.
  2. Students can register for and be credited for classes at any CEFR level offered by the school and chosen by the student according to their needs and interests.
  3. Warsaw University students have an option to take a different foreign language or different level exam by paying or using their exam tokens.

4. Obtaining credit for a proficiency level lower than B2 does not grant credit for B2 level